
生產、提供MR16 LED光源,採COB 陶瓷基本封裝,7W、5W、3W皆有提供,並可依客戶燈具、需求進行客製化設計、生產

生產、提供MR16 LED光源,採COB 陶瓷基本封裝,7W、5W、3W皆有提供,並可依客戶燈具、需求進行客製化設計、生產。


Ceraenergy COB LED using ceramic substrate to achieve high reliability and light efficiency. “COB” means Chip On Board, COB process directly place the emitting chip on substrate in order to reduce thermal resistance. Because the ceramic substrate is an insulating material, with respect to the metal substrate for better safety and reliability, and ceramic substrate low thermal expansion coefficient, have better ability to resist the gold wire broken issues. Ceraenergy COB is multi-chip design, can be drive by different operation current to achieve different light performance. This component can be use on MR16 Spot Light, Bulb lamp or other light modules.

量能光電為專業LED COB製造商,所生產之COB均採用陶瓷基板。結合二十年的陶瓷工業及十餘年的LED封裝業實務經驗,量能光電提供高品質的COB光源。

服務內容: LED光源,LED COB,陶瓷COB,蠟蠋燈,室內照明光源,戶外照明光源,LED光源設計

郭宇鑫 Alan Kuo
量能光電 Ceraenergy Co.,Ltd
電話 03-6960596
行動 0916-199749
